
Published in Montpellier Clay Conference in October 2012:

Andra Montpellier2012- Poster FSS (pdf) (2.9 MB)


And the link to the Montpellier 2012 page:


and link to the published Montpellier 2012 Abstract

The Cigeo FSS Experiment, a seal industrial prototype



Andra WM'2013 FSS paper13106-final (pdf) (608.8 KB)

This paper has been published in WMSYM 2013

and it is available at Proceedings online.


Posiva Oy

Posiva DOPAS press release in Finnish:

Posiva DOPAS lehdistötiedote 31122012 (pdf) (441.6 KB)

Posiva Satakunnan kansa 03012013 (pdf) (310.5 KB)


Copyright by Satakunnan Kansa Newspaper (which is a local Newspaper in Western Finland)


Links to the other dissemination activities


DOPAS project has been widely presented in media and here are few links, which has published DOPAS related articles

Magazines and Journals

Nuclear Engineering International magazine

ATS Ydintekniikka journal, article about POPLU and DOPAS

The link above is to the ATS Ydintekniikka (by Finnish Nuclear society) journal, which published in number 2 /2013 article about POPLU and DOPAS (In Finnish) and the magazine can be uploaded as pdf from this link.

Broadcasting companies

YLE 31.12.2012 (Finnish broadcasting Company) informs about DOPAS project


Internet pages

SKB Dome plug (DOMPLU) in place at Äspö HRL


SKB Internet page information about DOMPLU